Online version Topic: 5.3 Toolbars

5.3 Toolbars

A set of toolbar provides easy access to the most frequently used operations in MigriX. The toolbar layout can be arranged freely (vertically or horizontally across one or multiple rows) by dragging the toolbar handles. Toolbars can be added or removed either in the Windows/Toolbar menu or from the <RMB> menu in the toolbar area. The available toolbars in MigriX include (see numbers in Figure 5.15 for location):
5.3 Toolbars
Figure 5.15 MigriX toolbars.

Standard toolbar

1. Standard toolbar
Open, reload and save existing projects.

Clipping toolbar

2. Clipping toolbar
Clip model in 3D view to clip box or clip plane

Graphics toolbar

3. Graphics toolbar
Interact with 3D view. Stretch model, change view and rotation

Injection toolbar

4. Injection toolbar
Inject hydrocarbons into point(s) or area(s).

Simulation toolbar

5. Simulation toolbar
Start and stop simulations or change the active timestep.

Animation toolbar

6. Animation toolbar
Set up and run animations.

Selection info toolbar

7. Selection info toolbar
Picking and editing of point and polygon data.
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