Online version Topic: 3.8.6 Data formats

3.8.6 Data formats

There are numerous data types that you may want to load into MigriX. We are adding support for the most common types as we encounter them. The file subfix is used to help in the determination of the data type and formatting of individual files. A full listing of the currently supported file formats is given in the Recognized files section. The section below provides some additional information on how these different input types are handled.
The Convert Files utility in MigriX can be used to convert files (grids, points, lines) between different formats. Grid files can also be resampled to a different AOI or resolution in the conversion process. It is opened by selecting one or more files in Explorer, and selecting the  Convert Files... option from the <RMB> menu.
Grid files
Grids can be imported from the Irap Classic (ASCII and binary), ZMap (ASCII), EarthVision (ASCII), IESX (ASCII)  and CPS-3 (ASCII) formats as well as plain XYZ-files.
XYZ and IESX files should be converted to regular grids (e.g. Irap, ZMap) before loading. This is to avoid excessive loading times for large files.
Polygon/point data files
MigriX can load polygons and points in the Irap Classic (ASCII and binary), ZMap (ASCII), Shape (ArcGIS, ArcView) and  EarthVision (ASCII)  formats as well as generic XYZ-files. To ensure that the format type is correctly recognized, the subfix should be set according to the format type (see subfix column in the format table).
LAS well log files
Well log files can be loaded and RKB will be compensated for in the depths. Please verify that the loading has been done properly before using the data for calculations. MigriX can use the positional data for non-vertical wells if the coordinate information are included as data columns. If not, it will look in the heading of the LAS file for the location of the well.
  CSV files
Use Easting, Northing, Depth as headings for xyz columns. Depth should be negative values below sea surface.
Geographic coordinates will be converted  to UTM coordinates when loading the file if Longitude, Latitude are used as column headings. It will also try to interpret other column names using a list of  aliases before loading the data in order to do the correct conversions.
A built-in list of aliases is used to map column headings from CSV and well logs to the standard names, such as Easting, Northing and Depth. Some of the built-in aliases that MigriX understands are listed in Table 3.12. Additional aliases can be defined in the user aliases table, which can be edited using the Edit Aliases utility. The user aliases definitions are saved to file named migri-aliases.csv. If this file is not present, MigriX will instead load the default aliases from the installation.
Table 3.12 Default aliases
Wellbore_name, well_name, well
 EW_decimal_degrees, ew_decimal_degrees, ew degrees, East, Easting, UTMX, utmx
NS_decimal_degrees, ns_decimal_degrees, ns degrees, North, Northing, UTMY, utmy
TVD, MWD, Depth, DEPT, z, Z, total_depth
Gamma, GR, GR_EDTC
Sonic, DTRP
Density, ROBB, RHOB
NPD data
The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate has made a lot of Norwegian data publicly available on the NPD factpages, and MigriX can load most of these data types directly. The NPD data can be downloaded directlyby opening Explorer, selecting a folder and selecting the "Download NPD data" option from the RMB menu.  This will download the data files and perform data conversions (Windows only), where necessary. The data file can now be loaded into Basemaps or Wells. MigriX should be able to convert the data to the correct UTM zone of your project, assuming that this has been set when the project was created.
If  NPD exploration wellbores have been loaded into Wells, you can select a well with the mouse (<Ctrl + LMB> on the well point) and use <RMB> with the “Show Well info” option. A pop-up window with a list of the data types included in the file should be shown. If you choose the NPDID_wellbore column, MigriX should create a web-address in the URL row. If you click on “Go!”, your web-browser should open with this web-page, and you can read the relevant information for the chosen well.
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