March 27, 2017

Migris AS is proud to participate with two oral presentations at the AAPG’s Annual Conference & Exhibition, which celebrates its 100th anniversary and is held in Houston in early April (2nd to 5th) this year. Our first talk addresses the risks associated with the 3D petroleum systems around the recently discovered Johan Sverdrup hydrocarbon accumulation,...

April 4, 2016

Better understanding of the uncertainties in complex geology, developing new stochastic approaches and producing high resolution 3D models – these are some of the goals in our new R&D project MigriComplex. Since 2009, the Migri simulator has been in daily use in case studies, including both license studies and license application work. The feedback from...

October 21, 2015

After ten years of growth and innovation, a reflection on the history and future of our technology is appropriate. “Migris has been in constant and dynamic growth over the last ten years,” says Kristian Angard, Advisor Geology at Tullow Oil. Since the company was founded in 2005, Migris has worked on the development of a...

September 22, 2015

The probabilities for finding oil exceed 50 % in some of the 23rd round blocks, while other areas have very low probabilities for finding oil. These are some of the results from our updated probabilistic migration model for the Hoop area. The Barents Sea Charge Study from 2014 provides the framework for a detailed model of...

June 12, 2015

Migris now offers a hydrocarbon charge study that assesses and ranks the possibilities of finding oil in the 23 round blocks in the Hoop area. We use the stochastically calibrated Barents Sea Charge Study from 2014 to make predictions on the charge and hydrocarbon phase risks for the 23rd round blocks. From the comprehensive analysis...

May 13, 2015

We are pleased to announce the release of version 1.3.0 of Migri. This release improves the user experience and contains a number of enhancements, including efficient Drag & drop model building and new probabilistic migration maps. Over 200 000 simulationsOver the last year, Migri has been extensively used in single and multi-client studies. Monte Carlo...

December 5, 2014

Migris has been conducting a hydrocarbon maturation, generation, migration, and leakage simulation study of the southern Norwegian Barents Sea. It is built upon our in-house Migri simulator technology and seismic interpretations from the PGS Barents Sea MegaProject. Migri is a “next generation 3D hydrocarbon migration simulator” which enables the evaluations of multiple alternative scenarios and...

September 12, 2014

Migris has contributed with a number of proprietary 3D modelling studies for our clients in the recently closed (September 2nd) Norway APA 2014 licensing round. The majority of these studies have been based on our North Sea Charge regional framework, incorporating high-resolution maps, facies models and interpretations from the client companies to build detailed, local...

One of the more important processes modelled in Migri is the generation and primary migration of oil and gas out of the source rocks. Learn more about us and our technology for unconventionals during our visit to Houston, 13 – 17 October. Migris is participating in an Innovation Norway sponsored effort to introduce Norwegian technology...