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License server

The instructions below describes the basics on how to start FLEXnet license servers on Windows and Linux systems. For more details on running license servers, see the LicenseAdministration.pdf document found in the FLEXnet installation directory.
In case you do not already have a FlexNet server running, you may set up a new server on one of your computers using the LMTOOLS utility.  The procedure on Windows PCs is as follows:
a)      Launch the lmtools.exe application located in the /FLEXnet folder of your MigriX installation.
b)      Navigate to the “Service/License File” panel. Select “Configuration using Services
c)      Navigate to the “Config Services” panel. Set “Service Name” field to “Migris License Manager”.
-       Set “Path to the lmgrd.exe file” by using the Browse button. You will find it in the /FLEXnet folder in the MigriX installation.
-       Set “Path to the license file” by using the Browse button. Navigate to your existing license file.
-       Select “Use Services” and “Start Server at Power Up”. This will ensure that the Migris license server automatically starts up each time you restart your PC.
-       Click “Save Service” to save your settings.
d)     Navigate to the “Start/Stop/Reread” panel. Select the “Migris License Manager” in the List and click on “Start Server”
e)      Test the server by going to the “Server Status” panel and click on “Perform Status Enquiry”. If there are any problems with the server, these will be reported in the text box below. If not, you may assume that the server is running after a 1-2 minutes wait.
The license server should now be up and running and the MigriX application can now be started.
From a terminal window, issue the following commands
a) cd <installation path>/FLEXnet
b) ./lmgrd -c  <licensefile>
For more details on running license servers, see the LicenseAdministration.pdf document found in the FlexNet installation directory.
Upgrading to a new server license file
When you obtain an upgrade for your current server (floating) license file, then you have to make sure that the server is re-started with the new license file. This can be done by using a 'reread' or just by stopping and starting the license server. 
Alternative ways to determine the hostID:
The following methods can be used to determine the hostID from the command line:
FlexNet errors troubleshooting
"lmhostid returns hostid 000000000000" / Network interfaces named em1, em2 etc.
Integrated network interfaces are named em1, em2 etc. on CentOS 6 and RedHat 6. These names are not supported by FlexNet.
To change em1 to eth0 supported by FlexNet do the following:
Make a backup of the file /etc/grub.conf
Edit /etc/grub.conf and add the line biosdevname=0 to the kernel boot arguments
Rename /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em1 to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and change DEVICE="em1" to DEVICE="eth0"
Delete /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
Reboot the computer
Error message "Cannot connect to license server system (-15,570:113 No route to host)"
Check that the hostname in the licensefile is also listed in the /etc/hosts file.
Try to change the hostname in the licensefile to localhost and add the line localhost in the /etc/hosts file. It is also possible to get a hint of what is wrong by using the command /usr/sbin/ping hostname.
Error message "lmgrd: Command not found" when starting license server on Linux
FlexNet v11 requires LSB (Linux Standard Base) 3.0 or higher. Use the command lsb_release -a to check if LSB is installed. If not, install it using the packet manager for your Linux distribution.
Unable to start the license server on Windows
Try to disable the firewall before starting the server. After the server has started, enable the firewall again.
Error message "Cannot connect to license server system (-15,...)" on Windows when starting or stopping the server
Disable the firewall. Start or stop the server. Enable the firewall.
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