New release: Migri 1.3


We are pleased to announce the release of version 1.3.0 of Migri. This release improves the user experience and contains a number of enhancements, including efficient Drag & drop model building and new probabilistic migration maps.

Over 200 000 simulations
Over the last year, Migri has been extensively used in single and multi-client studies. Monte Carlo simulations have been used to study sensitivity and uncertainties. In total, more than 200.000 full 3D hydrocarbon migration runs have been completed and this has allowed us to verify that the simulator is now robust even for extreme parameter input values.

Drag & drop
New basin models can now be quickly constructed by Drag & drop of one or more depth grids onto the 3D view. Additional layers can later be added using the same procedure. Property maps such as Vshale can be updated by dropping a grid file onto a model layer.

Flowrisk map
Flowrisk map (HC migration probability) example for the Kobbe Formation in the Hammerfest Basin area, Norwegian Barents Sea.

Improved Riskchart
Many improvements to our Riskchart stochastic analysis tool have been introduced, including a fast and efficient update of the input data from the Monte Carlo analysis. This means that the work of the user in performing iterative Monte Carlo simulations has been minimized while still giving full control over which parameters to modify.

New maps
Probabilistic migration
maps (e.g. P90, P50 and P10) for Monte Carlo simulations can now be computed and plotted. The new Flowrisk map shows the probability of migration or accumulation for each layer in the model and the Phaserisk map shows probability of gas phase, if migration takes place. The Flowrisk and Phaserisk plots shown here compile results from almost 1000 simulation runs.

Phaserisk map (% probability of gas phase, if migration takes place) for the Middle Jurassic in the Northern North Sea. Green areas are more likely oil migration, red areas are more likely gas migration while violet areas are more likely mixed oil/gas migration.

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