Migris contributes to Norway 2014 APA applications
Migris has contributed with a number of proprietary 3D modelling studies for our clients in the recently closed (September 2nd) Norway APA 2014 licensing round.
The majority of these studies have been based on our North Sea Charge regional framework, incorporating high-resolution maps, facies models and interpretations from the client companies to build detailed, local models covering the application areas.
Efficient studies
The existing regional model already contains a calibrated thermal, source rock and hydrocarbon migration base case, which significantly reduces the effort needed to calibrate the local models to well observations. This approach also reduces the uncertainties towards the boundaries of the local areas, as transfer of hydrocarbon volumes between the regional and local models is accounted for. This allows for a very efficient modelling workflow with many of the APA 2014 studies taking approximately 1 week from start of study to delivery of modelling results.

Reusable results
Results from these small studies typically include a condensed report with an evaluation of the main source rocks, maturity modelling, expelled hydrocarbon volumes/phases from the different drainage areas and modelling of potential migration pathways into the prospects and leads applied for. The modelling results have additionally been delivered as grids that can be imported into the clients own mapping software and re-used in the later evaluation work, should the license be awarded.
Detailed, in-depth evaluations
In some cases, more detailed sensitivity analysis and scenario testing has also been undertaken in order to obtain a more in-depth evaluation of the charge and migration risks in the application area. This work has also typically been completed within a week or so for the studies that were based upon the North Sea Charge, because the framework has allowed us to quickly assess what the uncertainty range of the input sensitivity variables should be.
Success for Migris’ clients
The number of APA studies undertaken by Migris has grown steadily with each year since the first projects were initiated in 2008. Last year (2013) was particularly successful, with all APA applications where Migris was involved resulting in license awards. We have high confidence in success for our clients also for the 2014 applications.
Read more about our studies and services, our technology or contact us for more information.