What is basin modelling?
Basin modelling is used in the exploration for oil and gas, to model the history of the petroleum system during burial and increased thermal stress.
3D Basin Modelling
Our 3D basin modelling software Migri, and its lightweight companion MigriX, model the thermal history of the source rocks to compute the amount of oil and gas generated through geologic time. This information is used as input to model the migration of the petroleum components out of the source rocks, along carriers and into traps.
In addition to oil and gas, hydrocarbons are modelled to leak out of the traps and into shallower carriers and their traps. The basin modelling includes the computation of oil and gas retained in the source rocks and carrier rocks during migration. Migri can model migration up fault surfaces, providing users with oversight and control of which layers are allowed to migrate hydrocarbons into and/or out of the fault surfaces.
Read more about and download our software
Experience simple, lightweight and quick charge modelling. MigriX is based on Migris’ leading petroleum systems modelling technology and provide fast and reliable answers for routine evaluations.
- Full 3D dynamic basin model
- Easy drag & drop model setup
- Fast and interactive simulations
- Low cost – $300/month or $2500/year

Next generation probabilistic 3D hydrocarbon migration modelling software. Describes and reduces exploration risk by simulating and visualizing the migration and entrapment of oil and gas within geological layers.
- High-resolution 3D models
- Fast and interactive simulations
- Probabilistic charge modelling
- Detailed numerical description of migration as a geological process
Learn more about the features and differences between MigriX and Migri, and find the right solution for your basin modeling needs. Visit our MigriX and Migri Features Overview page for a detailed comparison.
Deterministic or stochastic basin modelling
MigriX effectively models a scenario-based deterministic basin modelling history, while Migri models and analyzes the system stochastically. The stochastic basin modelling results are calibrated to the observed Vitrinite and oil and gas column heights. After modelling, constrained predictions of trap properties (e.g. oil and gas columns, HC phases and GOR) with uncertainties can be extracted.
With Migri you can run basin modelling simulations that result in parameter ranking of all uncertain parameters. To rank e.g., 500 parameters and investigate the full range of ranking possibilities, a total of 1001 simulation runs are needed. After the simulations, users can focus their efforts on the most important parameters for the problem they study.
Non-regular mesh system
The flow properties of faults are important for basin modelling. To properly compute the throw of the faults, we have implemented a non-regular mesh system into Migri. The throws are used in fault seal calculations for geometric and clay-smear fault seal models. Entry pressure seals can also be used in the basin modelling studies.